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Sunday, February 27, 2011


Very few, however some of the abilities we currently have, are developed during our life process, and not obtained by birth. There are many things that can happen to our brains, we may suffer from chemical alterations which provoke and cause drastic changes in our personality and behavior.
This video teaches and informs us about a woman who was having twins, and unfortunately for her, one of the twins died. This mental and physical suffering, provided a big change on her mind, to the point that she began committing weird and unexpected actions, such as writing obsessions. During the night she woke up and started writing on the walls of her house, describing non-sense aspects, and things which were impossible to understand.  With time she overcame this situation, however, scientists took, the time and effort to study what had happened to her. It is a cerebral chemical change, which made her do these illogical actions. The same thing happened to another man, which suffered a violent accident, and as a result his mental effects changed, in the way that his artistic and right brained part became more powerful thasn his left, therefore his artistic abilities improved immensely.  It is very interesting how we can learn new things every day, the hard effort and time that scientists are dedicating to the investigation of such important aspects is and should by all means be recognizable, we should thank them for such unique studies and discoveries.


During our lives, many strange things may happen, however, there are people who go through phenomenon situations in their brain. During the documentary we have studied how a simple and normal woman, created mental puzzles of the board game chess, in order to defeat any person who plays with her. She began playing since a very early age; it is due to her genius and her practice that she is the chess world champion. It is amazing how her brain works, she defeated the U.S. Chess Champion in one minute, the ability she contains to do perfect and intelligent moves is so powerful that she does it like she is breathing.  As well as positive abnormal circumstances may occur, negative ones also do. We learned about a woman which suffers a disease of forgetting people’s faces, she cannot remember one single face, it is a memory disease that she is going through, it is incurable. It is unbelievable how unpredictable the effects of the human brain may react, it is a true wonder.


It is truly incredible how, we as human beings, may overcome our weak points, by being supernaturally strong on other areas. Some humans, very few of them, have the ability to excel in a particular area, they outstand only in one area,  in the rest they have low intelligence. It is curious to learn and scientifically understand how the human brain works on this particular cases, in order to make an individual who is generally lacking on basic skills, make a big difference in a particular sport or other activity.
An evident example is a young Chinese kid, who definitely is beyond the normal level while playing piano. He contains the necessary skill to be a great musician, to the point that he actually is better than many professionals.  I also learned about how important it is to keep the brain actively working on a daily basis. In the United States, authorities found a case of a girl which was locked in a dark room for twelve years, this traumatic situation stopped her from making connections and learning fundamental concepts of the outside world. She was abused,  she now finds herself in a hard situation, in which it is technically impossible for her to become a socialy normal person.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mind Reading

wThis might sound strange and impossible, but all, or most of the things we saw on tv 20-25 years ago is now able to realize. As we might have seen in movies about mind reading, and magicians who can assert in our actions and the way we think, this is now possible, however not in that cartoonish way which fictional magicians expose on television. Due to the modern technology, scientists have been able to prove that we can currently do mind reading with highly sophisticated machines. They record the reaction of your brain when you think of a particular aspect or object, by showing you a picture of it. Now that the image of the brain is recorded and learned, when we see that same reaction again we can now recognize the thought a particular person has at the moment in which the image is captured. Technology is advancing in a speed which was never imagined, experts suggest that from now to five years, the act and science of mind reading will be much more complex than how it is now. This is definitely a step forward, and lets all hope that these studies keep advancing at the rate that we expect them to.

Homosexuality Psychology

 It is amazing how the homosexual c culture has risen up in current societies.  Now a days, many of the members in the society are homosexuals. In the video that he have watched, statistics inform that the more older brothers a particular person has, the higher probabilities of him being homosexual. This theory also applies to women; this effect is most likely to occur for the cause of a wrong mix of genes and a strange and not desired chemical reaction before birth. In the present, many people discriminate homosexuals for being different according to what physically attracts them. It might be strange, and annoying at sometimes, but from now on, we as a society should start tolerating homosexuals, since they don’t tend to disturb us or harm us, as well as this effect they have is chemical and really exists, it is not acquired or faked by them. The chemical reaction before birth occurs because the hormones of the mother combine with the baby’s every time she is pregnant, therefore, each time the woman has a new child, that child’s hormones will be even more combined with female hormones, for that same reason, the more older brothers or sisters you have, the most likely you are going to be homosexual. Tests have been made with rats, by making them act as female rats, by putting them in their babyhood around a female environment.  

Brain Damage

As many of you may know, the brain is the most powerful organ that we as humans contain in our bodies. It is definitely helpful to be cautious in relation to our activities everywhere due to the many dangers that we are exposed to. There are three types of brain damage: Brain Contusion, Neuron Destruction, and an Internal Bleeding Injury. A brain contusion is extremely serious, however it is the less grave of all three. Consequently comes the neuron destruction injury which is also grave, and the worst of all which is the internal bleeding injury, the three of them can ruin our lives and change them completely. While watching the video, we learned about a man who got involved in a fight, which practically ended his normal life. He had a strong hit on his head, which clearly affected his brain, this man is now in a wheel chair, lacking of physical coordination, barely thinking (in a slow way), and having great difficulty to speak, thing which he also does in a slow way. Overall I think it is extremely didactic and educational to publish this documentary where we learn to prevent ourselves from all the risks we may go through in life.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Criminal Mind

To begin, I must mention the interesting aspects I have learned on the criminal minds documentary. First of all, I learned there is no true "evil" spirit, on people, it is simply, severe brain damage. Besides this outstanding fact, I have also acknowledged that a considerable percentage  of the serial assassins, and serious crime authors such as rappers, robbers, and kidnappers, feel guilty in relation to their sins and crimes, however the strong desire to see someone suffering, or to abuse someone physically dominates them. The scientific studies demonstrate that most of the criminals  contain  at least superficial or mild brain damage. Other studies suggest that there are three types of brain injuries, some graver than others respectively.  Brain Contusion, Neuron Destruction, and an Internal Bleeding Injury. Definitely, the three of them are very serious and can change a person’s active life drastically, to an extremely sedentary one, or if not, even kill us. With all of the mentioned information, I have noticed that the brain is more fragile than what we think it is, any conflict with another person which unfortunately leads to a fight, might sadly end someone’s life. I have reflexed about the beautiful and most powerful organ we have, people should be more cautious; we should realize the external world has many risks, and we need to know how to avoid them.