Very few, however some of the abilities we currently have, are developed during our life process, and not obtained by birth. There are many things that can happen to our brains, we may suffer from chemical alterations which provoke and cause drastic changes in our personality and behavior.
This video teaches and informs us about a woman who was having twins, and unfortunately for her, one of the twins died. This mental and physical suffering, provided a big change on her mind, to the point that she began committing weird and unexpected actions, such as writing obsessions. During the night she woke up and started writing on the walls of her house, describing non-sense aspects, and things which were impossible to understand. With time she overcame this situation, however, scientists took, the time and effort to study what had happened to her. It is a cerebral chemical change, which made her do these illogical actions. The same thing happened to another man, which suffered a violent accident, and as a result his mental effects changed, in the way that his artistic and right brained part became more powerful thasn his left, therefore his artistic abilities improved immensely. It is very interesting how we can learn new things every day, the hard effort and time that scientists are dedicating to the investigation of such important aspects is and should by all means be recognizable, we should thank them for such unique studies and discoveries.

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