Sunday, March 20, 2011
It is amazing how our mind can take us to living impossible things, moments we wish to live, or others that we have aversion to, that outstanding way of imagination and visualization is dreaming. Movies and fictional films tend to talk a about how people “magically” control their dreams, this theory of controlling dreams did not have credence at all, until a few years ago it has become a debatable aspect. Dreaming control has definitely awaken scientist’s curiosity, they have proposed to make deep studies on this extremely controversial topic. It is said that once a particular person sleeps and begins dreaming he/she is able to manage their dream in the way they want. Now, the question is, how? Before the person being tested, completely sleeps, a mask is attached to his/her face , this face will activate a red light when the person has lost consciousness. The purpose of this red light is to notify the person sleeping that, he/she is indeed sleeping, this will make them reflex and be able to take their visualizations and dreams to anywhere they want, obviously this performance takes lots of practice, due to its high level of difficulty. It is very interesting how technology and complex ways of thinking have driven us to understanding new possibilities that we had never imagined, we live with the hope, that these theories are proved right.

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Brain Connections
It is amazing how the lack of use in brain can cause it’ neurons and connections to die slowly. As known, it is essential for life to have a minimum amount of brain activity. In our daily life, in work, in school, or even by playing games and simple entertainment we use connections in our brain, when we perform hose connections we grow our brain in a way which is definitely necessary. Some people, however, are restricted to these activities due to vandalism, or other crimes. Yes, I am talking about prisoners, it is amazing how they can withstand being in between four walls most, or even all of their lives. It is due to this curiosity that we have, that scientists decided to perform a volunteered experiment, by locking the volunteers in a small and dark room, with only a bed and a bathroom for forty-eight hours. The objective for this was to discover if mental connections would disappear or remain stable after the experiment had finished. Some people passed it, and others actually became insane and could not stand it, they were freed. However, after this experience we have concluded that a person loses his/her connections when restricting neuronal activity.

Synesthesia and Savant Syndrome questions.
1. Synesthesia is a neurological disorder in which one particular aspect or action involuntary causes the sensation or reminds of another.
2. Grapheme-Color-Synesthesia is one of the main types of the neurologic disorder; it is when a person reminds him/herself of letters in relation to their experience with colors.
3. Ordinal-Linguistic is a type of Synesthesia in which the person remembers particular dates, month, days, letters, and numbers by relating them to personalities.
4. Number-Form is a type of Synesthesia in which a person creates a mental map of numbers while performing any mathematical exercise.
5. Sound-Color is a kind of Synesthesia in which a person is reminded by a color by a particular sound.
6. Lexical- Gustatory Synesthesia is a mental disorder in which a person feels a particular taste while reading or being reminded of a particular word.
. Savant Syndrome
1. Savant Syndrome is a mental disorder in which a person lack on most basic abilities, but is extremely outstanding on one or few of them, half of the people with the Savant Syndrome have autism, and most of them lack on social abilities.
2. A Genius is a person which has high intellectual capability in relation to the majority of IQ levels. The difference between a Genius and a Savant, is that a Savant lacks on most abilities however is extremely good at others, while a Genius is very good in most or all of them, however does not emphasize in a specific area such as Savants do.
3. A stroke is a cerebral accident which causes damage and provokes lack of blood flow on the brain, this may affect the victim of the accident with taking away basic speech abilities, remembering important aspects of his/her daily life, it can even cause death.
4. Functional MRI is today, one of the most modern brain scans, it provides us information by detecting the change of blood flow of a particular person’s brain.
5. The Corpus Callosum is a bundle of fiber which helps to connect the right brain with the left brain, it is truly essential for life.
6. Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which a person suffers from high neuronal activity. It’s changes may produce sleepiness, and change of mood.
7. Autism is a neurological disorder in which a person suffers from social interaction, he/she basically lives in his/her own world. The ability of brain processing, lacks in a victim of autism.
8. Asperger’s Syndrome is a type of autism in which a person does not have cognitive development, social interaction, and suffers from negative and repetitive patterns in relation to behavior.
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