It is amazing how the lack of use in brain can cause it’ neurons and connections to die slowly. As known, it is essential for life to have a minimum amount of brain activity. In our daily life, in work, in school, or even by playing games and simple entertainment we use connections in our brain, when we perform hose connections we grow our brain in a way which is definitely necessary. Some people, however, are restricted to these activities due to vandalism, or other crimes. Yes, I am talking about prisoners, it is amazing how they can withstand being in between four walls most, or even all of their lives. It is due to this curiosity that we have, that scientists decided to perform a volunteered experiment, by locking the volunteers in a small and dark room, with only a bed and a bathroom for forty-eight hours. The objective for this was to discover if mental connections would disappear or remain stable after the experiment had finished. Some people passed it, and others actually became insane and could not stand it, they were freed. However, after this experience we have concluded that a person loses his/her connections when restricting neuronal activity.

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